An AI Automated Youtube Channel.

Yes it it possible. This guy made a 100 videos using the services of ChatGPT and Canva (the graphics package).

It is a learning curve for the noob, and takes a bit of getting around, but if bulk automations of your YouTube channel is what you want, this is how to do it.

You should be aware, in the longer term, that YouTube inends to make you declare if your videos have been generated by AI.

There are 2 schools of thought on this. Videos created manually are considered to be more creative, and automation kind of does away with true creativity. The other school of thought is that automation saves time and effort helping to grow a channel more quickly.

I like to make my own videos, from start to end because I enjoy that creative process. Second, to achieve what this guy talks about, I would need to join Canva using their pro account. OK it’s free for 30 days but after that costs money if I don’t cancel it.

I suppose one could say that, if the YouTube channel gets monetised, one could likely afford Canva and other content generation facilities available, but I am frightened of putting the cart before the horse so will likely not go as far as this guy did.

In all the tutorials I have seen so far on YouTube they all involve the use of the likes of,, and the premium ChatGPT 4. All of which cost a monthly subscription fee. And most of which are given as affiliate links, so that when you sign up, the video tutorial creator gets a percentage of money from you signing up.

No such thing as a free ride, especially if you forget to cancel these accounts before the free trials end.

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